Current Conditions at Weather Station EW0157
West Milford, New Jersey 07480

Current Forecast
The current Temperature is ---°F with a windChill of ---°F at 8:16am.

The current Humidity is ---% and the Barometer is 29.841in and is Rising Rapidly.

Solar Radiation is ---W/m² with a UV index of ---.
Moon Phase : Last Quarter

Forecast : Partly cloudy and cooler.

Date on the Station: 12/21/24 Time on the Station: 8:16a
Sunrise Time: 7:19a Sunset Time: 4:32p
Moon Phase : Last Quarter

Current Outside TemperatureCurrent Outside HumidityCurrent Outside DewpointCurrent Barometer

Current Wind ChillCurrent THW IndexCurrent Outside Heat IndexToday's RainYearly Total Rain

Current Wind Direction  Current Wind Speed

Outside Temp History  Barometer History

--- °F
--- %
--- °F
--- at --- mph
29.841  in & Rising Rapidly
Today's Rain
0.00  in
Yearly Rain
28.88  in
Wind Chill
--- °F
THW Index
--- °F
Heat Index
--- °F
Highs and Lows

High Temperature

Low Temperature

28.3 °F   at   12:00a

28.2°F  at    12:00a

High Humidity

Low Humidity

88 %    at   12:00a

87 %   at   12:20a

High Dewpoint

Low Dewpoint

25.0 °F   at   12:00a

25.0 °F  at   12:00a

High Wind Speed

1.0 mph   at   12:06a

Low Wind Chill

28.0 °F   at   12:00a

High Heat Index

28.0 °F   at   12:00a